Private Reserve Test Results

Every batch of Siskiyou Sungrown’s Private Reserve RSO is tested by Green Leaf Labs, the Northwest's most trusted cannabis lab. To see the test results of your product, look for either the Test ID or the Made Date that appears within the testing data on the label. Match your product’s Test ID with the Test ID’s below, and click on the numbers to view the test results.

Twisted SiskiyouCBD4/10/20G0E0303-07
Sour Siskiyou1:212/14/2021G1D0496-05
Platinum Lemon KushTHC11/30/2021G1L0014-07
Platinum MonkeyTHC11/30/2021G1L0014-03
Siskiyou SasquatchTHC11/30/2021G1L0014-01
Platinum Purple KushTHC2/26/202116399/2/26/21
Royal HighnessTHC2/24/2021G1C0189-01
Platinum Sour DieselTHC2/24/21G1C0167-03
Grease Monkey KushTHC8/31/20G0I0026-01
Pennywise Purple Kush1:16/8/20G0F0137-07
Early Bird1:26/2/20G0F0137-03
Sour TsunamiCBD5/11/20G0F0137-05
Platinum YetiTHC5/8/20G0E0303-05